parenting pride: from delayed to honour roll

When a parent is told their child is not meeting development milestones, feelings are overwhelming. Worry for the child’s well-being. Questions about the future. Fear for the impact on the child’s happiness. Sally, a mom with her own disability and regular parenting help from Connections, felt all of those concerns. Her daughter, Kate, had significant speech delays.
With the help of a Connections Team member, funding was sourced so that Kate could attend a specialized pre-school program. 

Connections helped Sally with strategies to use at home that would help improve Kate’s learning.

Eleven years later, Kate completed junior high school in typical classes and no longer needing specialized help. In June 2014, Sally, bursting with excitement, called Connections:  Kate had come home with wonderful news – she had made the Grade 9 Honour Roll.
Sally was so proud of her daughter and the first people she wanted to call were her supports at Connections. Sally’s dedicated parenting is paying off. An illustration of Sally’s focus was evident with her excited phone call. It was only as an afterthought she chose to share her own good news that she had a new job – something she had been working on for a long time.